From field to table

The Honey Holland
Mel Holanda is a traditional brand that respects the essence and integrity of the purest honey. Produced on BALDONI farms, Holanda honey brings to our consumers the guarantee of quality elected three times the Best Honey in Brazil, in traditional packaging, identifying its floral origins: Orange Flowers, Wild Flowers and Eucalyptus Flowers.
Take to your family's table a product that carries the essence of the countryside!

Honey Holandaorange blossoms
Clear, smooth and aromatic honey. Many people appreciate it because of its unique taste.

Honey HolandaWild flowers
Result of the combination of several flowers, it is characterized by the quality of its nutrients. It has a reddish color and intense flavor.

Honey HolandaEucalyptus Blossom
Dark colored honey, intense flavor and one of the richest in mineral salts. Preferred for use in hot drinks.