Have bees in your vegetable garden
Did you know that bees are considered one of the garden-friendly animals?
Having bees around is extremely beneficial for agriculture, as they are responsible for pollinating plants and, therefore, can increase their productivity, as in the case of basil and sunflowers, which can improve the formation of their fruits, and leave the more flowery gardens.
In some places on the planet, bees have disappeared and caused a collapse in the production of some food. Directly or indirectly, more than 70% of human food depends on pollination and, therefore, on bees. Therefore, respecting and preserving them is everyone's duty. Otherwise, the world population will experience food shortages or will lose most of its food diversity.
Experts from the BEE foundation have listed five easy ways to bring bees closer to your vegetable garden or garden.
1- Colorful flowers and aromatic plants
Bees are attracted to flowers and aromatic plants, especially small ones, with lighter colors (white and yellow – red flowers like roses are more attractive to birds) and with mass flowering, that is, they bloom all at once. only once and not gradually.
Having colorful options attract insects, in addition to making the garden much more beautiful. Their favorites are basil, fennel, mallow, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, dandelion, thyme, mint, daisies, sunflowers.
2- Bee plants
Invest in species that attract bees. Malice, crab and urucu are some examples.
3- Native plants
Complement your garden with native plants, as bees are attracted to the species among which they have always lived surrounded, such as: Alfalfa, Brazilian Arnica, White Aroeira and Red Aroeira.
4- Water and shelter
In addition to planting wild flowers, fruits and vegetables, it is necessary to provide them with water and shelter, and also to allow the local gardens to detain small fauna. Fallen branches and trees can help bees to make hives.
Bees prefer small trees, such as those of the Myrtaceae family: guava, jabuticabeira, pitangueira. For large trees, avocado and lychee, for example, are preferable. Palm trees in general are also very attractive to pollinators, which is an advantage for those who enjoy gardening.
5- Kindness breeds kindness
If you respect the space of bees, even those with stingers (like the most common species in Brazil, apis mellifera, or Africanized, as it is known) will not cause problems. If any resident of the house or apartment is allergic, there are several stingless species that are gentle and seek the gardens only for water and food.
Now it's easier to have a more flowery garden! Share this information with your friends so they can also allow bees to pollinate plants and flowers!
Source: Globo Rural Magazine and ABELHA