Honey in cultural traditions

Hoje (17/3) é comemorado o Dia do Mel, e mesmo depois de tantos anos trabalhando com o produto, ainda achamos que há algo de extraordinário no mel, um verdadeiro presente da natureza.

Today (17/3) is the National Honey Day and, even after so many years working with the product, we still think that there is something extraordinary about honey, a true gift from nature!

Since ancient times, people have revered honey. The Greeks called honey
“nectar of the gods” and made special honey cakes as offerings to keep the
gods by your side. Some studies even indicate that ambrosia, the legendary food
of the gods, it may have been a kind of honey for the elders.

But it wasn't just the Greeks – honey has associations in many ancient cultures. At the time of ancient Egypt, bees were believed to be the tears of the sun god Ra. In the Hindu religion, the bee is the symbol of the gods Vishnu and Krishna, as well as
many other deities.

In the Buddhist tradition, monks are given honey to celebrate the Buddha's peace. and in religion
Chinese kitchen god Zao Jun, responsible for taking care of each family,
animals and ovens, he is graced with rich offerings of sweets and honey on his
lips. The perfect bribe!

The gift of honey plays an important role in many traditions around the world, as well as in deep romantic associations. Did you know that the word honeymoon comes from the ancient practice of giving newlyweds a supply of mead for
one month? And, it might not come as a surprise to learn that Saint Valentine is the patron saint of beekeeping! All of this makes honey the perfect gift for someone who deserves a little extra pampering from a millennial candy.

Celebrate Honey Day in the sweetest way, with lots of honey on the table! Happy Honey Day to all lovers of this delicacy!

Source – Mountainvalleyhoney

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